Martin Gairing, Thomas Lucking, Marios Mavronicolas, Burkhard Monien and Paul Spirakis
The Structure and Complexity of Extreme Nash Equilibria
Paderborn, Patras and Cyprus. Work packages 2 and 4. December 2003.
Abstract: We study the combinatorial structure and computational complexity of extreme Nash equilibria, ones that maximize or minimize a certain objective function, in the context of a selfish routing game. Specifically, we assume a collection of n users, each employing a mixed strategy, which is a probability distribution over m parallel links, to control the routing of its own assigned traffic. In a Nash equilibrium, each user selfishly routes its traffic on those links that minimize its expected latency cost. The social cost of a Nash equilibrium is the expectation, over all random choices of the users, of the maximum, over all links, latency through a link. We are interested in computing (exactly or approximately) the social cost of the worst and the best Nash equilibrium - the ones attaining the maximum ( worst) and the minimum ( best) social cost, respectively. We provide a comprehensive collection of structural and complexity results, where some of the latter benefit from the former.

Our structural results provide substantial evidence for the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture, which states that the worst Nash equilibrium is the fully mixed Nash equilibrium, where each user chooses each link with positive probability. Specifically, we prove:

Our complexity results include hardness, approximability and inapproximability ones.

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