
Viviane Baladi and Brigitte Vallée
Euclidean Algorithms are Gaussian
Work package 4.
July 2003.
Abstract: This study provides new results about the probabilistic behaviour of a
class of Euclidean algorithms. It proves that the asymptotic
distribution of a whole class of parameters associated to these
algorithms is normal. Furthermore, it precisely compares the expected
properties of continued fraction expansions of real numbers and
rational numbers. This paper also focuses on the basic parameter of
the algorithms, the number of steps. Hensley already proved that there
exists a Local Limit Theorem for this parameter, in the case of the
standard Euclidean algorithm. This paper provides a new proof of this
fact, both more natural and more concise, and, at the same time, an
extension to two other Euclidan algorithms. The whole paper is based
on the so-called dynamical analysis methodology, that views an
algorithm as a dynamical system and introduces tools that come from
dynamical systems into analysis of algorithms. The tranfer operator of
the underlying dynamical system then plays a fundamental r\^ole,
together with various other tools: Dirichlet series, Perron's formula,
the Quasi-Powers theorem, saddle point method. Furthermore, this work
introduces, for the first time, a new facet in dynamical analysis,
distributional dynamical analysis, and it need s precise estimates on
the transfer operators when the parameter varies along vertical
complex lines. Such estimates are provided by adapting to the
Euclidean context powerful methods due to Dolgopyat.
Postscript file: (219 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>