
Hans L. Bodlaender and Arie M. C. A. Koster
Safe separators for treewidth
Work packages 2 and 5.
December 2003.
Abstract: A set of vertices S\subseteq V is called a safe separator for
treewidth, if S is a separator of G, and the treewidth of G
equals the maximum of the treewidth over all connected components
W of G-S of the graph, obtained by making S a clique in the
subgraph of G, induced by W\cup S. We show that such safe
separators are a very powerful tool for preprocessing graphs when we
want to compute their treewidth. We give several sufficient
conditions for separators to be safe, allowing such separators, if
existing, to be found in polynomial time. In particular, every
minimal separator of size one or two is safe, every minimal
separator of size three that does not split off a component with
only one vertex is safe, and every minimal separator that is an
almost clique is safe; an almost clique is a set of vertices W
such that there is a v\in W with W-{v} a clique. We report on
experiments that show significant reductions of instance sizes for
graphs from probabilistic networks and frequency assignment.
Postscript file: (184 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>