
Fedor V. Fomin and Dimitrios M. Thilikos
A Simple and Fast Approach for Solving Problems on Planar Graphs
Work packages 2 and 4.
November 2003.
Abstract: It is well known that the celebrated Lipton-Tarjan planar separation theorem,
in a combination with a divide-and-conquer strategy leads to many complexity
results for planar graph problems. For example, by using this approach,
many planar graph problems can be solved in time 2O(\sqrt{n}), where n is the number
of vertices. However, the constants hidden in big-Oh, usually are too large to claim the algorithms
to be practical even on graphs of moderate size. Here we introduce a new algorithm design paradigm
for solving problems on planar graphs. The paradigm is so simple that it can
be explained in any textbook on graph algorithms: Compute tree or branch decomposition
of a planar graph and do dynamic programming. Surprisingly such a simple approach provides
faster algorithms for many problems. For example, \textscIndependent Set on planar graphs
can be solved in time O(23.182\sqrt{n}n+n4) and \textscDominating Set in
time O(25.043\sqrt{n}n+n4). In addition, significantly broader class of problems
can be attacked by this method. Thus with our approach, \textscLongest cycle on
planar graphs is solved in time O(22.29\sqrt{n}(\lnn+0.94)n5/4+n4) and
\textscBisection is solved in time O(23.182\sqrt{n}n+n4). The proof of these
results is based on complicated combinatorial arguments that make strong use of results
derived by the Graph Minors Theory. In particular we prove that
branch-width of a planar graph is at most 2.122\sqrt{n}. In addition we observe
how a similar approach can be used for solving different fixed parameter problems on
planar graphs. We prove that our method provides the best so far exponential speed-up for
fundamental problems on planar graphs like \textscVertex Cover, \textsc(Weighted)
Dominating Set, and many others.
Postscript file: (264 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>