Jesper Makholm Nielsen
On the Number of Maximal Independent Sets in a Graph
Århus. Work package 4. May 2002.
Abstract: We show that the number of maximal independent sets of size exactly k in any graph of size n is at most \floor{ n/k }k-(n mod k) (\floor{ n/k } +1)n mod k. For maximal independent sets of size at most k the same bound holds for k<= n/3. For k>n/3 a bound of approximately 3n/3 is given. All the bounds are exactly tight and improve Eppstein (2001) who give the bound 34k-n4n-3k on the number of maximal independent sets of size at most k, which is the same for n/4 <= k <= n/3, but larger otherwise. We give an algorithm listing the maximal independent sets in a graph in time proportional to these bounds (ignoring a polynomial factor), and we use this algorithm to construct algorithms for 4- and 5- colouring running in time O(1.7504n) and O(2.1593n), respectively.
Postscript file: (115 kb).

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