Hans L. Bodlaender and Udi Rotics
Computing the treewidth and the minimum fill-in with the modular decomposition
Utrecht. Work package 4. May 2002.
Abstract: Using the notion of modular decomposition we extend the class of graphs on which both the TREEWIDTH and the MINIMUM-FILL-IN problems can be solved in polynomial time. We show that if C is a class of graphs which is modularly decomposable into graphs that have a polynomial number of minimal separators, or graphs formed by adding a matching between two cliques, then both the TREEWIDTH and the MINIMUM-FILL-IN problems on C can be solved in polynomial time. For the graphs that are modular decomposable into cycles we give algorithms, that use respectively O(n) and O(n3) time for TREEWIDTH and MINIMUM FILL-IN.
Postscript file: (156 kb).

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