Ulrich Meyer
Buckets Strike Back: Improved Parallel Shortest-Paths
MPI. Work packages 1 and 2. May 2002.
Abstract: We study the average-case complexity of the parallel single-source shortest-path (SSSP) problem, assuming arbitrary directed graphs with n nodes, m edges, and independent random edge weights uniformly distributed in [0,1]. We provide a new bucket-based parallel SSSP algorithm that runs in T= O(log2 n · mini {2i · \mathbfE[ L] + |Vi| }) average-case time using O(n +m+T) work on a PRAM where \Diam denotes the maximum shortest-path weight and |Vi| is the number of graph vertices with in-degree at least 2i. All previous algorithms either required more time or more work. The minimum performance gain is a logarithmic factor improvement; on certain graph classes, accelerations by factors of more than n0.4 can be achieved. The algorithm allows adaptation to distributed memory machines, too.
Postscript file: (94 kb).

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