
Peter Sanders and Berthold Vöcking
Random Arc Allocation and Applications
Work packages 1 and 4.
May 2002.
Abstract: The paper considers a generalization of the well known
random placement of balls into bins. Given n circular arcs
of lengths <=n1,\ldots,<=nn we study the maximum number
of overlapping arcs on a circle if the starting
points of the arcs are chosen randomly.
We give almost exact tail bounds on the maximum overlap of
the arcs. These tail bounds yield a characterization
of the expected maximum overlap that is tight up to constant
factors in the lower order terms.
We illustrate the strength of our results by presenting new
performance guarantees for several application:
Minimizing rotational delays of disks, scheduling accesses
to parallel disks and allocating memory to limit
cache interference misses.
Postscript file: (88 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>