
Albert Atserias, Maria Luisa Bonet and Juan Luis Esteban
Lower Bounds for the Weak Pigeonhole Principle and Random Formulas Beyond Resolution
Work package 4.
May 2002.
Abstract: We work with an extension of Resolution, called Res(2), that
allows clauses with conjunctions of two literals. In this system there
are rules to introduce and eliminate such conjunctions.
We prove that the weak pigeonhole principle PHPcnn and
random unsatisfiable CNF formulas require exponential-size proofs in
this system. This is the strongest system beyond Resolution
for which such lower bounds are known. As a consequence to
the result about the weak pigeonhole principle, Res(log)
is exponentially more powerful than Res(2). Also we prove that Resolution
cannot polynomially simulate Res(2), and that Res(2) does not have
feasible monotone interpolation solving an open problem posed
by Kraj\'\i\vcek.
Postscript file: (225 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>