
Fedor V. Fomin, Mart\'\in Matamala and Ivan Rapaport
The complexity of approximating the oriented diameter of chordal graphs
Work package 4.
May 2002.
Abstract: \beginabstract
The oriented diameter of a (undirected) graph G is the smallest diameter among all
the diameters of strongly connected orientations of G.
We study algorithmic aspects of determining the oriented diameter
of a chordal graph. We
- give a linear time algorithm such that,
for a given chordal graph G, either concludes that there is no strongly
connected orientation of G, or finds a strongly connected orientation
of G with diameter at most twice the
diameter of G plus one;
prove that the corresponding
decision problem remains NP-complete even when restricted to a small subclass
of chordal graphs called split graphs;
- show that unless
P=NP, there is neither a polynomial-time absolute approximation algorithm
nor an alpha-approximation (for every alpha<(3)/(2)) algorithm computing oriented diameter of a chordal graph.
Postscript file: (121 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>