
Insup Lee, Jin-Young Choi, Hee Hwan Kwak, Anna Philippou and Oleg Sokolsky
A Family of Resource-Bound Real-time Process Algebras
Work package 4.
June 2002.
Abstract: This paper describes three real-time process algebras, ACSR,
PACSR and ACSR-VP. ACSR is a resource-bound real-time process algebra
supports synchronous timed actions and asynchronous instantaneous
events as well as the notions of resource, priority, exception, and
interrupt. PACSR is a probabilistic extension of ACSR with resources
that can fail and associated failure probabilities. ACSR-VP extends
ACSR with value passing between processes and parameterized process
definitions. This paper also provides three simple real-time system
examples to illustrate the expressive power and analysis techniques of
each process algebra.
Postscript file: (78 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>