
Erik D. Demaine, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi and Dimitrios M. Thilikos
Exponential Speedup of Fixed Parameter Algorithms on K3,3-minor-free or K5-minor-free Graphs
Work package 2.
May 2002.
Abstract: We present a fixed parameter algorithm that constructively solves the
k-dominating set problem on graphs excluding one of the K5 or
K3,3 as a minor in time O(36\sqrt{34 k}nO(1)). In fact,
we present our algorithm for any H-minor-free graph where H is
a single-crossing graph (can be drawn on the plane with at most one
crossing) and obtain the algorithm for K3,3(K5)-minor-free
graphs as a special case. As a consequence, we extend our results to
several other problems such as vertex cover, edge dominating set,
independent set, clique-transversal set, kernels in digraphs,
feedback vertex set and a series of vertex removal problems.
Our work generalizes and extends the recent result of exponential speedup
in designing fixed-parameter algorithms on planar
graphs due to Alber et al. to other (non-planar) classes of graphs.
Postscript file: (104 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>