
C. Demetrescu and G.F. Italiano
Improved Bounds and New Trade-Offs for Dynamic All Pairs Shortest Paths
Work package 4.
January 2002.
Abstract: Let G be a directed graph with n vertices, subject to dynamic updates,
and such that each edge weight can assume at most S different arbitrary
real values throughout the sequence of updates. We present a new algorithm
for maintaining all pairs shortest paths in G in O(S0.5· n2.5
log0.5n) amortized time per update and in O(1) worst-case time per
distance query. This improves over previous bounds. We also show how to
obtain query/update trade-offs for this problem, by introducing two new
families of algorithms. Algorithms in the first family achieve an update
bound of \widetildeO(S· k· n2) and a query bound of
\widetildeO(n/k), and improve over the best known update bounds for
k in the range (n/S)1/3<= k < (n/S)1/2. Algorithms in the
second family achieve an update bound of \widetildeO(S· k·
n2) and a query bound of \widetildeO(n2/k2), and are
competitive with the best known update bounds (first family included) for
k in the range (n/S)1/6<= k <(n/S)1/3.
Postscript file: (70 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>