
Ulrich Meyer
External Memory BFS on Undirected Graphs with Bounded Degree
Work package 1.
May 2001.
Abstract: We give the first external memory algorithm for breadth-first search (BFS)
which achieves o(n) I/Os on arbitrary undirected graphs with
n nodes and maximum node degree d. Let M and B>d denote
the main memory size and block size, respectively. Using
\mathrmSort(x)=Theta(x/(B)· logM/Bx/(B)),
our algorithm needs O(n/(gamma · logd B)
+ \mathrmSort(n · B^gamma)) I/Os and
O(n · B^gamma) external space
for an arbitrary parameter 0 <gamma <= 1/2.
The result carries over to BFS, depth-first search (DFS) and single
source shortest paths (SSSP) on undirected planar graphs with
arbitrary node degrees.
Postscript file: (47 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>