
Ulrich Meyer and Peter Sanders
Parallel Shortest Path for Arbitrary Graphs
Work packages 1 and 2.
May 2001.
Abstract: In spite of intensive research, no work-efficient parallel algorithm
for the single source shortest path problem is known which works in
sublinear time for arbitrary directed graphs with non-negative edge
weights. We present an algorithm that improves this situation
for graphs where the ratio \Diam/\Delta between the maximum weight
of a shortest path \Diam and a ``safe step width''
\Delta is not too large.
We show how such a step width can be found efficiently and
give several graph classes which meet the above condition, such that
our parallel shortest path algorithm runs in sublinear time and uses linear
The new algorithm is even faster than a previous one which only works
for random graphs with random edge weights
[MeySan98a]. On those graphs our new approach is faster
by a factor of \Thlog n/loglog n and achieves an expected
time bound of \Ohlog2 n using linear work.
Postscript file: (96 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>