
Ulrich Meyer
Heaps are better than Buckets: Parallel Shortest Paths on unbalanced Graphs
Work packages 1 and 2.
May 2001.
Abstract: We propose a new parallel algorithm for the
single-source shortest-path problem (SSSP). Its
heap data structure is particularly advantageous on graphs with
a moderate number of high degree nodes.
On arbitrary directed graphs with
n nodes, m edges and independent random edge weights
uniformly distributed in the range [0,1] and maximum
shortest path weight \Diam the PRAM version of our algorithm
runs in O(log2 n · mini {2i · \Diam ·
log n+ |Vi| }) average-case time using
O(n · log n +m ) operations
where |Vi| is the number of graph vertices with degree at
least 2i. For power-law graph models of the Internet or call
graphs this results in the first work-efficient o(n1/4)
average-case time algorithm.
Postscript file: (94 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>