
Torsten Fahle, Ulrich Junker, Stefan E. Karisch, Niklas Kohl, Meinolf Sellmann and Bo Vaaben
Constraint Programming Based Column Generation for Crew Assignment
Work packages 3 and 4.
May 2001.
Abstract: Airline crew assignment problems are large-scale optimization
problems which can be adequately solved by column generation. The
subproblem is typically a so-called constrained shortest path
problem and solved by dynamic programming. However, complex airline
regulations arising frequently in European airlines cannot be
expressed entirely in this framework and limit the use of pure
column generation. In this paper, we formulate the subproblem as a
constraint satisfaction problem, thus gaining high expressiveness.
Each airline regulation is encoded by one or several constraints. An
additional constraint which encapsulates a shortest path algorithm
for generating columns with negative reduced costs is introduced.
This constraint reduces the search space of the subproblem
significantly. Resulting domain reductions are propagated to the
other constraints which additionally reduces the search space.
Numerical results based on data of a large European airline are
presented and demonstrate the potential of our approach.
Postscript file: (142 kb).
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