
Robert Elsässer, Rastislav Královic and Burkhard Monien
Scalable Sparse Topologies with Small Spectrum
Work package 2.
May 2001.
Abstract: One of the fundamental properties of a graph is the number of distinct
eigenvalues of its adjacency or Laplacian matrix.
Determining this number is of
theoretical interest and also of practical impact.
Graphs with small spectra exhibit many symmetry properties and are well suited as interconnection topologies.
Especially load balancing can be done on such interconnection topologies in a
small number of steps.
In this paper we are interested in graphs with maximal degree O(log n), where n is the number of vertices,
and with a small number of distinct eigenvalues.
Our goal is to find scalable families of such graphs with polylogarithmic
spectrum in the number of vertices.
We present also the eigenvalues of the Butterfly graph.
Postscript file: (81 kb).
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