Daniele Frigioni, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela and Umberto Nanni
Fully Dynamic Shortest Paths in Digraphs with Arbitrary Arc Weights
Rome. Work packages 2 and 4. March 2001.
Abstract: We propose a new solution for the fully dynamic single source shortest paths problem in a directed graph G = (N, A) with arbitrary arc weights, that works for any digraph and has optimal space requirements and query time. If a negative-length cycle is introduced in the subgraph of G reachable from the source during an update operation, then it is detected by the algorithm. Zero-length cycles are explicitly handled. We evaluate the cost of the update operations as a function of a structural property of G and of the number of the output updates. We show that, if G has a k-bounded accounting function (as in the case of digraphs with genus, arboricity, degree, treewidth or pagenumber bounded by k), then the update procedures require O(min{m, k· nA} · log n) worst case time for weight-decrease operations, and O(min{m · log n, k · (nA + nB)· log n + n}) worst case time for weight-increase operations. Here, n = |N|, m = |A|, nA is the number of nodes affected by the input update, that is the nodes changing either the distance or the parent in the shortest paths tree, and nB is the number of non affected nodes considered by the algorithm that also belong to zero-length cycles. If zero-length cycles are not allowed, then nB is zero and the bound for weight-increase operations is O(min {m · log n, k· nA · log n + n}). Similar amortized bounds hold if we perform also insertions and deletions of arcs.
Postscript file: (161 kb).

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