Ricard Gavald\`a and Denis Thérien
Learning expressions over monoids
Barcelona. Work packages 1 and 4. June 2001.
Abstract: We study the problem of learning an unknown function represented as an expression over a known finite monoid. As in other areas of computational complexity where programs over algebras have been used, the goal is to relate the computational complexity of the learning problem with the algebraic complexity of the finite monoid. Indeed, our results indicate a close connection between both kinds of complexity. We focus on monoids which are either groups or aperiodic, and on the learning model of learning from queries. For a group G, we prove that expressions over G are easily learnable if G is nilpotent and impossible to learn efficiently (under cryptographic assumptions) if G is nonsolvable. We present some partial results for solvable groups, and point out a connection between their efficient learnability and the existence of lower bounds on their computational power in the program model. For aperiodic monoids, our results seem to indicate that the monoid class known as DA captures exactly learnability of expressions by polynomially many Evaluation queries.
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