
J. D\'\iaz, J. Petit and M. Serna
Faulty random geometric networks
Work package 2.
June 2001.
Abstract: In this paper we analyze the computational power of random geometric networks
in the presence of random (edge or node) faults considering several important network
parameters. We first analyze how to emulate an original random geometric network G
on a faulty network F. Our results state that, under the presence of some natural
assumptions, random geometric networks can tolerate a constant node failure probability
with a constant slowdown. In the case of constant edge failure probability the slowdown
is an arbitrarily small constant times the logarithm of the graph order. Then we consider
several network measures, stated as linear layout problems (Bisection, Minimum Linear
Arrangement and Minimum Cut Width). Our results show that random geometric
networks can tolerate a constant edge (or node) failure probability while maintaining the
order of magnitude of the measures considered here. Finally we show that, with high
probability, random geometric networks with (edge or node) faults do have a Hamiltonian
cycle, provided the failure probability is constant. Such capability enables performing
distributed computations based on end-to-end communication protocols.
Postscript file: (121 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>