
J. D\'\iaz, M. Serna and D.M. Thilik\'os
Counting List H-Colorings and Variants
Work package 4.
June 2001.
Abstract: We study the counting versions of several variants of
the H-coloring problem. The complexity of the #H-coloring
problem is described by
a dichotomy theorem that
classifies the problem according to the topology of H as
#P-complete or polynomial time solvable.
We first prove that the same dichotomy criterion holds also its
``list'' extension, the list #H-coloring problem.
We further investigate these problems by examining a parameterization
imposing restrictions on the
number of preimages of certain vertices in H.
We prove a nearly dichotomy theorem on the
complexity of counting such restricted homomorphisms,
as well as a dichotomy theorem on the
complexity of its list version. Finally,
we give a condition that makes the parameterizedd problems
solvable in linear time.
Postscript file: (118 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>