
Gerth Stølting Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg, Christian N. S. Pedersen and Anna Östlin
The Complexity of Constructing Evolutionary Trees Using Experiments
Work package 4.
May 2001.
Abstract: We present tight upper and lower bounds for the problem of
constructing evolutionary trees in the experiment model. We describe
an algorithm which constructs an evolutionary tree of n species in
time O(nd logd n) using at most n
\ceil{ d/2 } (log2\ceil{ d/2 }-1 n + O(1)) experiments for d>2,
and at most n(log n + O(1)) experiments for d=2, where d is
the degree of the tree. This improves the previous best upper bound
by a factor Theta(log d). For d=2 the previously best
algorithm with running time O(nlog n) had a bound of 4nlog n
on the number of experiments. By an explicit adversary argument, we
show an Omega(ndlogd n) lower bound, matching our upper bounds
and improving the previous best lower bound by a
factor Theta(logd n).
Central to our algorithm is the construction and maintenance of
separator trees of small height. We present how to maintain
separator trees with height log n+O(1) under the insertion of
new nodes in amortized time O(log n). Part of our dynamic
algorithm is an algorithm for computing a centroid tree
in optimal time O(n).
Postscript file: (127 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>