
Sixiang Hou and Han Hoogeveen
The three-machine proportionate flow shop problem with unequal machine speeds
Work package 3.
May 2001.
Abstract: In flow shop scheduling, it is usually assumed that the processing times of
the operations belonging to the same job are unrelated. But when a job
corresponds to producing a certain quantity of some good, then it is likely
that the processing times are related to this quantity, and hence are constant
except for some factor that depends on the speed of the machine. In this
paper, we consider this special case of the flow shop problem, which we call
the proportionate flow shop problem with unequal machine speeds. We study the
problem with three machines, where we assume that the second machine is
slowest, with the objective of minimizing the makespan. We show that then
there exists an optimum schedule that is V-shaped. As a consequence, this
problem can be solved in pseudopolynomial time, and we show that this is
best possible by establishing NP-hardness in the ordinary sense.
1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (Revision 1991): 90B35.
Keywords and Phrases: proportionate flow shop, machine speeds,
V-shaped, makespan, dynamic programming, NP-hardness.
Postscript file: (101 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>