
P. Sanders and R. Solis-Oba
How Helpers Hasten h-Relations
Work packages 1, 2 and 4.
January 2001.
Abstract: We study the problem of exchanging a set of messages among a group of
processors, using the model of simplex communication.
Messages may consist of different numbers of packets. Let L
denote the maximum number of packets that a processor must send and
receive. If all the packets need to be delivered directly, at least
(3/2)L communication steps are needed to solve the problem
in the worst case. We show that by allowing forwarding, only
(6/5)L+O(1) time steps are needed to exchange all the
messages, and this is optimal. Our work was motivated by the
importance of irregular message exchanges in distributed-memory
parallel computers, but it can also be viewed as an answer to an open
problem on scheduling file transfers posed by Coffmann, Garey,
Johnsson, and LaPaugh in 1985.
Postscript file: (93 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>