
Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Maria J. Serna and Hans L. Bodlaender
A polynomial time algorithm for the cutwidth of bounded degree graphs with small treewidth
Barcelona and Utrecht.
Work package 4.
May 2001.
Abstract: The cutwidth of a graph G is
defined to be the smallest integer k such that the vertices
of G can be arranged in a vertex ordering
[v1,...,vn] in a way that, for every
i=1,...,n-1, there are at most k
edges with the one endpoint in
{v1,...,vi} and the other in
We examine the problem of computing in polynomial time
the cutwidth of a partial w-tree with bounded degree.
In particular, we show how to construct an algorithm that, in
nO(w2d) steps, computes the cutwidth of any partial
w-tree with vertices of degree bounded by a fixed constant d.
Our algorithm is constructive in the sense that it can be adapted
to output the corresponding optimal vertex ordering. Also, it is the main
subroutine of an algorithm computing the pathwidth of a bounded degree
partial w-tree in nO((wd)2) steps.
Postscript file: (189 kb).
System maintainer Gerth Stølting Brodal <>