
Meinolf Sellmann and Torsten Fahle
CP-based Lagrangian Relaxation for a Multimedia Application
Work packages 2 and 4.
May 2001.
Abstract: Whereas CP methods are strong with respect to the detection of local
infeasibilities, OR approaches have powerful optimization abilities
that ground on tight global bounds on the objective. An integration of
propagation ideas from CP and Lagrangian relaxation techniques from OR
combines the merits of both approaches. We introduce a general way of
how linear optimization constraints can strengthen their propagation
abilities via Lagrangian relaxation. The algorithm is evaluated on a
set of benchmark problems steming from a multimedia application. The
experiments show the superiority of the combined method compared with
pure CP and OR approaches and an algorithm based on two independent
optimization constraints.
Postscript file: (98 kb).
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