Advanced Algorithms - Data Structures (Fall 2007)

Project 3 - van Emde Boas Trees

The topic of this project is to compare the practical performance of van Emde Boas Trees with the priority queue implementations from Project 1 and with Red-Black search trees.

The project should be done in groups of 2-3 people.

The project consists of the following tasks:

  1. Implement van Emde Boas trees based on the description in the note van Emde Boas trees (Gudmund S. Frandsen). As a minimum the following opeartions should be supported: FindMin, Insert, DeleteMin, Delete, PredecessorSearch
  2. Design and perform experiments where you compare a van Emde Boas tree based priority queue with the priority queues from Project 1.
  3. Design and perform experiments where you compare a van Emde Boas based search tree with red-black trees, using the implementation from Chapter 13 of Robert Sedgewick's book "Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 (Fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching)" - the code is available at Robert Sedgewick's homepage.

Implementations should be done in C or C++. Elements stored should be 24 bit integers.

The project should be documented in a report that is due Friday December 21. The report should be send by email to The report should document your theoretical considerations, implementation, experiment design and present your experimental results.

Note:The evaluation of the report and implementation will be part of the final grade.

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