Advanced Algorithms - Data Structures (Fall 2005)
Project 3 - van Emde Boas Trees
The topic of this project is to compare the practical performance of
van Emde Boas Trees with the priority queue implementations
from Project 1 and with Red-Black search trees.
The project should be done in groups of 2-3 people.
The project consists of the following tasks:
- Implement van Emde Boas trees based on the description in the note van Emde
Boas trees (Gudmund S. Frandsen).
As a minimum the following opeartions should be supported:
FindMin, Insert, DeleteMin,
Delete, PredecessorSearch
- Design and perform experiments where you compare a van Emde Boas
tree based priority queue with the priority queues from Project 1.
- Design and perform experiments where you compare a van Emde Boas
based search tree with red-black trees, using the implementation from
Chapter 13 of Robert Sedgewick's book "Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4
(Fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching)" - the
code is available at Robert Sedgewick's homepage.
Implementations should be done in C or C++. Elements stored should
be 24 bit integers.
The project should be documented in a report that is due Wednesday
January 18. The report should be send by email to gerth@cs.au.dk. The report
should document your theoretical considerations, implementation,
experiment design and present your experimental results.
Note:The evaluation of the report and implementation will be part of the final grade.