New Job, New Website

In what has almost become a tradition, I am celebrating my new position at Aarhus University by rolling out this spanking new website!

Niklas Elmqvist


July 1, 2023

Starting July 1, 2023, I am a Villum Investigator and a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark. To commemorate this occasion, I am rolling out my new website, this one based on Quarto, that I have been working on in preparation for this big day. I actually did the same for both of my previous faculty positions in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and the College of Information Studies at University of Maryland, College Park. Figure 1 below shows screenshots of these websites; I am not going to be updating either of them, and the Purdue one is actually no longer available.

(a) Website at Purdue University.

(b) Website at UMD.

Figure 1: My faculty websites at Purdue and at University of Maryland.

In comparison to my older websites, this time I am going for simplicity, ease of maintenance, and clean design. As a matter of fact, as I get more senior, I have realized that I don’t have time to update a bunch of website stuff such as my list of courses taught, funded research projects, and everything else. Furthermore, taken together with my research center’s website, it is clear that I can keep my personal website very simple by confining my list of publications and students to the center website.

One thing that I am doing this time around, however, is to ensure that there is blog functionality embedded in the website. Blogging is something I only accidentally took up while at UMD. Fortunately, my UMD website was based on WordPress, so writing blog posts was easy. This time, I am using Quarto, and seems even simpler to do. I am in the process of importing some of my older blog posts to this platform.

On that note, look for a blog post on the topic of “there and back again”; some of my thoughts on moving back to Europe after 15 years in the U.S. academic landscape.

Anyway, I am super excited about all this. More soon!