Running PowerForms

The PowerForms jar-file (see the download page) can be executed directly to run PowerForms as a commandline tool.


The jar-file is run by executing the following command in a shell

java -jar powerforms.jar [options] [input]

See below for a description of options accepted by PowerForms. Input is read from the standard input stream if no input file is specified. Output is written to the standard output stream unless the `-output' option is used.

Note: The jar-file requires a J2SDK v1.4 runtime environment which includes classes for parsing Xml. If used with a different runtime environment the file xerces.jar has to be included in the classpath when invoking PowerForms. The complete spell to be cast in order to run PowerForms is then:

java -classpath powerforms.jar:xerces.jar dk.brics.powerforms.Main [options] [input]


Write a short help message to the standard output stream and exit.
-pwf <file>
Specify a file that contains a PowerForms specification to be used for transformations.
-export <name>
Export a regular expression named name in the PowerForms specification to the standard output stream. The actual output is a serialized instance of the Java class dk.brics.automaton.Automaton, which can be imported via the <regexp url=url /> construction.
-miscurl <url>
Set the url from which to include generic JavaScript code and images. The url must point to a directory (i.e. end with `/') and the default value is ``''
-status <type>
Set the type of automatically inserted status-elements. <type> can be either `css' or `image' of which the latter is the default.
-output <filename>
Write output to the file named filename.
Parse html-input as XHtml.
Will make PowerForms try to parse (almost) any input as html . . . Use with caution!

Updated 17 April 2002 by Mikkel Ricky [Valid XHTML 1.0] [Valid CSS]