DSD for DSDs
Root Element: maindsd
DSD version: 1.0

Title:DSD for DSDs
Author:Nils Klarlund, Anders Moeller, and Michael I. Schwartzbach

This document is a valid DSD that describes DSD validity. For more information about DSD, see the DSD home page at http://www.brics.dk/DSD/.
<DSD> ID=maindsd:
IDRef=? [Required] PointsTo ElementDef;
DSDVersion="1.0" [Required];
Content dsdcontent
<DSD> ID=subdsd:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ElementDef;
DSDVersion="1.0" [Required];
Content dsdcontent
ContentDef ID=dsdcontent:
( <Title>
Content content
Content content
Content content
( Content doc,
( Element subdsd |
Element default |
Content structdef))*)
ContentDef ID=structdef:
( Element elementdef |
Element constraintdef |
Element attributedecldef |
Element contentdef |
Element booldef |
Element contextdef |
Element stringtypedef)
ContentDef ID=doc:
( <Label>
Content content
Content content
Content content
<!-- DEFAULTS -->
<Default> ID=default:
Content boolexp?;
( Element defattribute |
Element defcontent)*
<DefaultAttribute> ID=defattribute:
Name=? [Required];
Value=? [Required]
<DefaultContent> ID=defcontent:
(Content element | StringType )
<Element> ID=elementdescr:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ElementDef;
Name=? [Optional];
Defaultable="YesOrNo" [Optional];
OneOf {Attribute IDRef, Attribute Name};
If Attribute Name
Then {Content constraintexp}
<ElementDef> ID=elementdef:
ID=? [Required];
Name=? [Optional];
Defaultable="YesOrNo" [Optional];
Content constraintexp
<Constraint> ID=constraint:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ConstraintDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ConstraintDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {Content constraintexp}
<ConstraintDef> ID=constraintdef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo ConstraintDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Content constraintexp
ContentDef ID=constraintexp:
(Content doc, Content constraintterm)*
ContentDef ID=constraintterm:
<!-- NOTE: condconstraint must be before contentexp to resolve If ambiguity correctly -->
( Element attributedecl |
Content condconstraint |
Content contentexp |
Content boolexp |
Element constraint)
ContentDef ID=condconstraint:
( Content boolexp,
<AttributeDecl> ID=attributedecl:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo AttributeDeclDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo AttributeDeclDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {
Name=? [Required];
Constraint attrdeclattrs;
Content attrdeclcontent}
<AttributeDeclDef> ID=attributedecldef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo AttributeDeclDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Name=? [Required];
Constraint attrdeclattrs;
Content attrdeclcontent
ConstraintDef ID=attrdeclattrs:
Optional="YesOrNo" [Optional];
IDType="IDType" [Optional]
ContentDef ID=attrdeclcontent:
( Content stringtypeexp?,
If Attribute IDType=("IDRef" | "CurrIDRef" | "RenewID")
Then {( Content doc,
Element pointsto)?})
StringTypeDef ID=IDType:
("ID" | "IDRef" | "RenewID" | "CurrIDRef")
<PointsTo> ID=pointsto:
Content boolexp
<Attribute> ID=attributedescr:
Name=? [Required];
Value=? [Optional];
If Not Attribute Value
Then {Content stringtypeexp?}
<Content> ID=contentdescr:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ContentDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ContentDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {Content contentexp}
<ContentDef> ID=contentdef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo ContentDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Content contentexp
ContentDef ID=contentexp:
( Content doc,
( <Sequence>
Content contentexp*
</Sequence> |
Content contentexp
</Optional> |
Content contentexp
</ZeroOrMore> |
Content contentexp
</OneOrMore> |
Content contentexp*
</Union> |
<AnyElement/> |
<Empty/> |
( Content boolexp,
Content contentexp
Content contentexp
</If> |
Element stringtype |
Element elementdescr |
Element contentdescr))
<Bool> ID=boolformula:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo BoolDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo BoolDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {Content boolexp}
<BoolDef> ID=booldef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo BoolDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Content boolexp
ContentDef ID=boolexp:
( Content doc,
( <And>
Content boolexp*
</And> |
Content boolexp*
</Or> |
Content boolexp*
</OneOf> |
Content boolexp*
</Not> |
(Content boolexp, Content boolexp)
</Imply> |
Content boolexp*
</Equiv> |
Element attributedescr |
Element contextpattern |
Element boolformula))
<Context> ID=contextpattern:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ContextDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ContextDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {Content contextexp}
<ContextDef> ID=contextdef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo ContextDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Content contextexp
ContentDef ID=contextexp:
(Content doc, Content contextterm)*
ContentDef ID=contextterm:
( Element elementpattern |
<SomeElements/> |
Element contextpattern)
<Element> ID=elementpattern:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo ElementDef;
Name=? [Optional];
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute Name};
( Content doc,
Element attributedescr)*
<StringType> ID=stringtype:
IDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo StringTypeDef;
CurrIDRef=? [Optional] PointsTo StringTypeDef;
Not {Attribute IDRef And Attribute CurrIDRef};
If Not {Attribute IDRef Or Attribute CurrIDRef}
Then {Content stringtypeexp?}
<StringTypeDef> ID=stringtypedef:
ID=? [Optional];
RenewID=? [Optional] PointsTo StringTypeDef;
OneOf {Attribute ID, Attribute RenewID};
Content stringtypeexp
ContentDef ID=stringtypeexp:
( Content doc,
( <Sequence>
Content stringtypeexp*
</Sequence> |
</Optional> |
</ZeroOrMore> |
</OneOrMore> |
Content stringtypeexp*
</Union> |
Content stringtypeexp*
</Intersection> |
</Complement> |
Value="Numeral" [Required];
</Repeat> |
<AnyChar/> |
<Empty/> |
Value=? [Required]
</String> |
Value=? [Required]
</CharSet> |
Start="Char" [Required];
End="Char" [Required]
</CharRange> |
Element stringtype))
StringTypeDef ID=Char:
StringTypeDef ID=YesOrNo:
("yes" | "Yes" | "no" | "No")
StringTypeDef ID=Numeral:
ContentDef ID=element:
ContentDef ID=content:
(AnyElement | StringType )*