Publications - Publications en-us PURE Extension (Web Department) 30 <![CDATA[Fast Symbolic Computation of Bottom SCCs]]> Jakobsen, A. B., Jørgensen, R. S. M., van de Pol, J., Pavlogiannis, A. The computation of bottom strongly connected components (BSCCs) is a fundamental task in model checking, as well as in characterizing the attractors of dynamical systems. As such, symbolic algorithms for BSCCs have received special attention, and are based on the idea that the computation of an SCC can be stopped early, as soon as it is deemed to be non-bottom. In this paper we introduce PENDANT, a new symbolic algorithm for computing BSCCs which runs in linear symbolic time. In contrast to the standard approach of escaping non-bottom SCCs, PENDANT aims to start the computation from nodes that are likely to belong to BSCCs, and thus is more effective in sidestepping SCCs that are non-bottom. Moreover, we employ a simple yet powerful deadlock-detection technique, that quickly identifies singleton BSCCs before the main algorithm is run. Our experimental evaluation on three diverse datasets of 553 models demonstrates the efficacy of our two methods: PENDANT is decisively faster than the standard existing algorithm for BSCC computation, while deadlock detection improves the performance of each algorithm significantly.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 0890f501-6e40-45e8-9591-fefebb380279
<![CDATA[On-The-Fly Algorithm for Reachability in Parametric Timed Games]]> Dahlsen-Jensen, M. B., Fievet, B., Petrucci, L., de Pol, J. v. Parametric Timed Games (PTG) are an extension of the model of Timed Automata. They allow for the verification and synthesis of real-time systems, reactive to their environment and depending on adjustable parameters. Given a PTG and a reachability objective, we synthesize the values of the parameters such that the game is winning for the controller. We adapt and implement the On-The-Fly algorithm for parameter synthesis for PTG. Several pruning heuristics are introduced, to improve termination and speed of the algorithm. We evaluate the feasibility of parameter synthesis for PTG on two large case studies. Finally, we investigate the correctness guarantee of the algorithm: though the problem is undecidable, our semi-algorithm produces all correct parameter valuations “in the limit”.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 6b9cb60f-9654-4d2f-a6a6-df30175bed6b
<![CDATA[An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming on the Relaxed Arm-A Architecture]]> Hammond, A., Liu, Z., Pérami, T., Sewell, P., Birkedal, L., Pichon-Pharabod, J. Very relaxed concurrency memory models, like those of the Arm-A, RISC-V, and IBM Power hardware architectures, underpin much of computing but break a fundamental intuition about programs, namely that syntactic program order and the reads-from relation always both induce order in the execution. Instead, out-of-order execution is allowed except where prevented by certain pairwise dependencies, barriers, or other synchronisation. This means that there is no notion of the 'current' state of the program, making it challenging to design (and prove sound) syntax-directed, modular reasoning methods like Hoare logics, as usable resources cannot implicitly flow from one program point to the next. We present AxSL, a separation logic for the relaxed memory model of Arm-A, that captures the fine-grained reasoning underpinning the low-overhead synchronisation mechanisms used by high-performance systems code. In particular, AxSL allows transferring arbitrary resources using relaxed reads and writes when they induce inter-thread ordering. We mechanise AxSL in the Iris separation logic framework, illustrate it on key examples, and prove it sound with respect to the axiomatic memory model of Arm-A. Our approach is largely generic in the axiomatic model and in the instruction-set semantics, offering a potential way forward for compositional reasoning for other similar models, and for the combination of production concurrency models and full-scale ISAs.

Research Fri, 05 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 9b5a8bf2-a445-4382-9ab9-c62a84406c8d
<![CDATA[Towards Univalent Reference Types]]> Sterling, J., Gratzer, D., Birkedal, L. We develop a denotational semantics for general reference types in an impredicative version of guarded homotopy type theory, an adaptation of synthetic guarded domain theory to Voevodsky’s univalent foundations. We observe for the first time the profound impact of univalence on the denotational semantics of mutable state. Univalence automatically ensures that all computations are invariant under symmetries of the heap – a bountiful source of program equivalences. In particular, even the most simplistic univalent model enjoys many new equations that do not hold when the same constructions are carried out in the universes of traditional set-level (extensional) type theory.

Research Thu, 01 Feb 2024 20:16:07 +0100 ab64e42b-9435-446c-a1a0-e49081176d00
<![CDATA[The Essence of Generalized Algebraic Data Types]]> Sieczkowski, F., Stepanenko, S., Sterling, J., Birkedal, L. This paper considers direct encodings of generalized algebraic data types (GADTs) in a minimal suitable lambda-calculus. To this end, we develop an extension of System Fω with recursive types and internalized type equalities with injective constant type constructors. We show how GADTs and associated pattern-matching constructs can be directly expressed in the calculus, thus showing that it may be treated as a highly idealized modern functional programming language. We prove that the internalized type equalities in conjunction with injectivity rules increase the expressive power of the calculus by establishing a non-macro-expressibility result in Fω, and prove the system type-sound via a syntactic argument. Finally, we build two relational models of our calculus: a simple, unary model that illustrates a novel, two-stage interpretation technique, necessary to account for the equational constraints; and a more sophisticated, binary model that relaxes the construction to allow, for the first time, formal reasoning about data-abstraction in a calculus equipped with GADTs.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 21ce707f-e751-4cab-ab4c-9caa715fd7df
<![CDATA[Asynchronous Probabilistic Couplings in Higher-Order Separation Logic]]> Gregersen, S. O., Aguirre, A., Haselwarter, P. G., Tassarotti, J., Birkedal, L. Probabilistic couplings are the foundation for many probabilistic relational program logics and arise when relating random sampling statements across two programs. In relational program logics, this manifests as dedicated coupling rules that, e.g., say we may reason as if two sampling statements return the same value. However, this approach fundamentally requires aligning or "synchronizing"the sampling statements of the two programs which is not always possible. In this paper, we develop Clutch, a higher-order probabilistic relational separation logic that addresses this issue by supporting asynchronous probabilistic couplings. We use Clutch to develop a logical step-indexed logical relation to reason about contextual refinement and equivalence of higher-order programs written in a rich language with a probabilistic choice operator, higher-order local state, and impredicative polymorphism. Finally, we demonstrate our approach on a number of case studies. All the results that appear in the paper have been formalized in the Coq proof assistant using the Coquelicot library and the Iris separation logic framework.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 ab25a536-5dd6-42ad-ab4a-20d9eb6cedb2
<![CDATA[Welcome from the Chairs]]> Pientka, B., Blazy, S., Traytel, D., Timany, A. Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 072a9a55-4ec5-4ffa-a566-df626f98164c <![CDATA[Modular Denotational Semantics for Effects with Guarded Interaction Trees]]> Frumin, D., Timany, A., Birkedal, L. We present guarded interaction trees - a structure and a fully formalized framework for representing higher-order computations with higher-order effects in Coq, inspired by domain theory and the recently proposed interaction trees. We also present an accompanying separation logic for reasoning about guarded interaction trees. To demonstrate that guarded interaction trees provide a convenient domain for interpreting higher-order languages with effects, we define an interpretation of a PCF-like language with effects and show that this interpretation is sound and computationally adequate; we prove the latter using a logical relation defined using the separation logic. Guarded interaction trees also allow us to combine different effects and reason about them modularly. To illustrate this point, we give a modular proof of type soundness of cross-language interactions for safe interoperability of different higher-order languages with different effects. All results in the paper are formalized in Coq using the Iris logic over guarded type theory.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 d4757dfc-2384-4f38-9607-e3cee00d4c3a
<![CDATA[The Logical Essence of Well-Bracketed Control Flow]]> Timany, A., Guéneau, A., Birkedal, L. A program is said to be well-bracketed if every called function must return before its caller can resume execution. This is often the case. Well-bracketedness has been captured semantically as a condition on strategies in fully abstract games models and multiple prior works have studied well-bracketedness by showing correctness/security properties of programs where such properties depend on the well-bracketed nature of control flow. The latter category of prior works have all used involved relational models with explicit state-transition systems capturing the relevant parts of the control flow of the program. In this paper we present the first Hoare-style program logic based on separation logic for reasoning about well-bracketedness and use it to show correctness of well-bracketed programs both directly and also through defining unary and binary logical relations models based on this program logic. All results presented in this paper are formalized on top of the Iris framework and mechanized in the Coq proof assistant.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 b15cdfb1-17d6-4a96-b436-99474400bfe2
<![CDATA[Modular Verification of State-Based CRDTs in Separation Logic]]> Nieto, A., Daby-Seesaram, A., Gondelman, L., Timany, A., Birkedal, L. Conflict-free Replicated Datatypes (CRDTs) are a class of distributed data structures that are highly-available and weakly consistent. The CRDT taxonomy is further divided into two subclasses: state-based and operation-based (op-based). Recent prior work showed how to use separation logic to verify convergence and functional correctness of op-based CRDTs while (a) verifying implementations (as opposed to high-level protocols), (b) giving high level specifications that abstract from low-level implementation details, and (c) providing specifications that are modular (i.e. allow client code to use the CRDT like an abstract data type). We extend this separation logic approach to verification of CRDTs to handle state-based CRDTs, while respecting the desiderata (a)–(c). The key idea is to track the state of a CRDT as a function of the set of operations that produced that state. Using the observation that state-based CRDTs are automatically causally-consistent, we obtain CRDT specifications that are agnostic to whether a CRDT is state- or op-based. When taken together with prior work, our technique thus provides a unified approach to specification and verification of op- and state-based CRDTs. We have tested our approach by verifying StateLib, a library for building state-based CRDTs. Using StateLib, we have further verified convergence and functional correctness of multiple example CRDTs from the literature. Our proofs are written in the Aneris distributed separation logic and are mechanized in Coq.

Research Sat, 01 Jul 2023 20:16:07 +0200 3b22a847-8da5-4adb-b1f0-7861dfca693b
<![CDATA[The Last Yard]]> Haselwarter, P. G., Hvass, B. S., Hansen, L. L., Winterhalter, T., Hriţcu, C., Spitters, B. The field of high-assurance cryptography is quickly maturing, yet a unified foundational framework for end-to-end formal verification of efficient cryptographic implementations is still missing. To address this gap, we use the Coq proof assistant to formally connect three existing tools: (1) the Hacspec emergent cryptographic specification language; (2) the Jasmin language for efficient, high-assurance cryptographic implementations; and (3) the SSProve foundational verification framework for modular cryptographic proofs. We first connect Hacspec with SSProve by devising a new translation from Hacspec specifications to imperative SSProve code. We validate this translation by considering a second, more standard translation from Hacspec to purely functional Coq code and generate a proof of the equivalence between the code produced by the two translations. We further define a translation from Jasmin to SSProve, which allows us to formally reason in SSProve about efficient cryptographic implementations in Jasmin. We prove this translation correct in Coq with respect to Jasmin's operational semantics. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by giving a foundational end-to-end Coq proof of an efficient AES implementation. For this case study, we start from an existing Jasmin implementation of AES that makes use of hardware acceleration and prove that it conforms to a specification of the AES standard written in Hacspec. We use SSProve to formalize the security of the encryption scheme based on the Jasmin implementation of AES.

Research Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:16:07 +0100 0fb06fd2-dd48-4f64-bd78-b6150b9987ff
<![CDATA[A manifesto for applicable formal methods]]> Gleirscher, M., van de Pol, J., Woodcock, J. Recently, formal methods have been used in large industrial organisations (including AWS, Facebook/Meta, and Microsoft) and have proved to be an effective part of a software engineering process finding important bugs. Perhaps because of that, practitioners are interested in using them more often. Nevertheless, formal methods are far less applied than expected, particularly for safety-critical systems where they are strongly recommended and have the most significant potential. We hypothesise that formal methods still seem not applicable enough or ready for their intended use in such areas. In critical software engineering, what do we mean when we speak of a formal method? And what does it mean for such a method to be applicable both from a scientific and practical viewpoint? Based on what the literature tells about the first question, with this manifesto, we identify key challenges and lay out a set of guiding principles that, when followed by a formal method, give rise to its mature applicability in a given scope. Rather than exercising criticism of past developments, this manifesto strives to foster increased use of formal methods in any appropriate context to the maximum benefit.

Research Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:16:07 +0100 81351c36-fde0-44a9-886f-7fa55711edfd
<![CDATA[Cerise]]> Georges, A. L., Guéneau, A., Van Strydonck, T., et al. Research Mon, 12 Feb 2024 20:16:07 +0100 0b91fce5-ff15-48be-b077-83035db76d32 <![CDATA[A denotationally-based program logic for higher-order store]]> Aagaard, F. L., Sterling, J., Birkedal, L. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 96bbbc75-39aa-4a1d-96dd-7aa749a4648c <![CDATA[Step-Indexed Logical Relations for Countable Nondeterminism and Probabilistic Choice]]> Aguirre, A., Birkedal, L. Developing denotational models for higher-order languages that combine probabilistic and nondeterministic choice is known to be very challenging. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on operational techniques. We study a higher-order language combining parametric polymorphism, recursive types, discrete probabilistic choice and countable nondeterminism. We define probabilistic generalizations of may- and must-termination as the optimal and pessimal probabilities of termination. Then we define step-indexed logical relations and show that they are sound and complete with respect to the induced contextual preorders. For may-equivalence we use step-indexing over the natural numbers whereas for must-equivalence we index over the countable ordinals. We then show than the probabilities of may- and must-termination coincide with the maximal and minimal probabilities of termination under all schedulers. Finally we derive the equational theory induced by contextual equivalence and show that it validates the distributive combination of the algebraic theories for probabilistic and nondeterministic choice.

Research Mon, 09 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 ec8e5f59-0d1a-4feb-a6c6-b44352300da7
<![CDATA[Melocoton]]> Guéneau, A., Hostert, J., Spies, S., Sammler, M., Birkedal, L., Dreyer, D. In recent years, there has been tremendous progress on developing program logics for verifying the correctness of programs in a rich and diverse array of languages. Thus far, however, such logics have assumed that programs are written entirely in a single programming language. In practice, this assumption rarely holds since programs are often composed of components written in different programming languages, which interact with one another via some kind of foreign function interface (FFI). In this paper, we take the first steps towards the goal of developing program logics for multi-language verification. Specifically, we present Melocoton, a multi-language program verification system for reasoning about OCaml, C, and their interactions through the OCaml FFI. Melocoton consists of the first formal semantics of (a large subset of) the OCaml FFI - previously only described in prose in the OCaml manual - as well as the first program logic to reason about the interactions of program components written in OCaml and C. Melocoton is fully mechanized in Coq on top of the Iris separation logic framework.

Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:16:07 +0200 a0f2e09f-035c-47dd-86a4-922a2d03c726
<![CDATA[Spirea]]> Vindum, S. F., Birkedal, L. Weak persistent memory (a.k.a. non-volatile memory) is an emerging technology that offers fast byte-addressable durable main memory. A wealth of algorithms and libraries has been developed to explore this exciting technology. As noted by others, this has led to a significant verification gap. Towards closing this gap, we present Spirea, the first concurrent separation logic for verification of programs under a weak persistent memory model. Spirea is based on the Iris and Perennial verification frameworks, and by combining features from these logics with novel techniques it supports high-level modular reasoning about crash-safe and thread-safe programs and libraries. Spirea is fully mechanized in the Coq proof assistant and allows for interactive development of proofs with the Iris Proof Mode. We use Spirea to verify several challenging examples with modular specifications. We show how our logic can verify thread-safety and crash-safety of non-blocking durable data structures with null-recovery, in particular the Treiber stack and the Michael-Scott queue adapted to persistent memory. This is the first time durable data structures have been verified with a program logic.

Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:16:07 +0200 03f75309-bb4e-47a1-9a69-ad1fcbf81211
<![CDATA[Fast and Efficient Boolean Unification for Hindley-Milner-Style Type and Effect Systems]]> Madsen, M., Van De Pol, J., Henriksen, T. As type and effect systems become more expressive there is an increasing need for efficient type inference. We consider a polymorphic effect system based on Boolean formulas where inference requires Boolean unification. Since Boolean unification involves semantic equivalence, conventional syntax-driven unification is insufficient. At the same time, existing Boolean unification techniques are ill-suited for type inference. We propose a hybrid algorithm for solving Boolean unification queries based on Boole's Successive Variable Elimination (SVE) algorithm. The proposed approach builds on several key observations regarding the Boolean unification queries encountered in practice, including: (i) most queries are simple, (ii) most queries involve a few flexible variables, (iii) queries are likely to repeat due similar programming patterns, and (iv) there is a long tail of complex queries. We exploit these observations to implement several strategies for formula minimization, including ones based on tabling and binary decision diagrams. We implement the new hybrid approach in the Flix programming language. Experimental results show that by reducing the overhead of Boolean unification, the compilation throughput increases from 8,580 lines/sec to 15,917 lines/sec corresponding to a 1.8x speed-up. Further, the overhead on type and effect inference time is only 16% which corresponds to an overhead of less than 7% on total compilation time. We study the hybrid approach and demonstrate that each design choice improves performance.

Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:16:07 +0200 7cd567a8-4b95-4985-a592-5f8f354ff598
<![CDATA[Finitary Type Theories With and Without Contexts]]> Haselwarter, P. G., Bauer, A. We give a definition of finitary type theories that subsumes many examples of dependent type theories, such as variants of Martin–Löf type theory, simple type theories, first-order and higher-order logics, and homotopy type theory. We prove several general meta-theorems about finitary type theories: weakening, admissibility of substitution and instantiation of metavariables, derivability of presuppositions, uniqueness of typing, and inversion principles. We then give a second formulation of finitary type theories in which there are no explicit contexts. Instead, free variables are explicitly annotated with their types. We provide translations between finitary type theories with and without contexts, thereby showing that they have the same expressive power. The context-free type theory is implemented in the nucleus of the Andromeda 2 proof assistant.

Research Fri, 01 Dec 2023 20:16:07 +0100 7ddc2ac9-8f3d-4a52-a91a-bbeb61d71457
<![CDATA[SSProve]]> Haselwarter, P. G., Rivas, E., Van Muylder, A., et al. State-separating proofs (SSP) is a recent methodology for structuring game-based cryptographic proofs in a modular way, by using algebraic laws to exploit the modular structure of composed protocols. While promising, this methodology was previously not fully formalized and came with little tool support. We address this by introducing SSProve, the first general verification framework for machine-checked state-separating proofs. SSProve combines high-level modular proofs about composed protocols, as proposed in SSP, with a probabilistic relational program logic for formalizing the lower-level details, which together enable constructing machine-checked cryptographic proofs in the Coq proof assistant. Moreover, SSProve is itself fully formalized in Coq, including the algebraic laws of SSP, the soundness of the program logic, and the connection between these two verification styles.To illustrate SSProve, we use it to mechanize the simple security proofs of ElGamal and pseudo-random-function-based encryption. We also validate the SSProve approach by conducting two more substantial case studies: First, we mechanize an SSP security proof of the key encapsulation mechanism-data encryption mechanism (KEM-DEM) public key encryption scheme, which led to the discovery of an error in the original paper proof that has since been fixed. Second, we use SSProve to formally prove security of the sigma-protocol zero-knowledge construction, and we moreover construct a commitment scheme from a sigma-protocol to compare with a similar development in CryptHOL. We instantiate the security proof for sigma-protocols to give concrete security bounds for Schnorr's sigma-protocol.

Research Sat, 01 Jul 2023 20:16:07 +0200 1e610b43-3ec3-4bc1-a847-f069e0756a3e
<![CDATA[Predicting Memory Demands of BDD Operations using Maximum Graph Cuts]]> Sølvsten, S., van de Pol, J.
The contents of these auxiliary data structures always correspond to a graph cut in an input or output BDD. Specifically, these cuts respect the levels of the BDD. We formalise the shape of these cuts and prove sound upper bounds on their maximum size for each BDD operation.

We have implemented these upper bounds within Adiar. With these bounds, it can predict whether a faster internal memory variant of the auxiliary data structures can be used. In practice, this improves Adiar’s running time across the board. Specifically for the moderate-sized BDDs, this results in an average reduction of the computation time by 86.1% (median of 89.7%). In some cases, the difference is even 99.9%. When checking equivalence of hardware circuits from the EPFL Benchmark Suite, for one of the instances the time was decreased by 52 h.]]>
Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:16:07 +0200 55ccbb64-d0e2-40f3-8c66-a085f2ee78f8
<![CDATA[Verifying Reliable Network Components in a Distributed Separation Logic with Dependent Separation Protocols]]> Gondelman, L., Hinrichsen, J. K., Pereira, M., Timany, A., Birkedal, L. We present a foundationally verified implementation of a reliable communication library for asynchronous client-server communication, and a stack of formally verified components on top thereof. Our library is implemented in an OCaml-like language on top of UDP and features characteristic traits of existing protocols, such as a simple handshaking protocol, bidirectional channels, and retransmission/acknowledgement mechanisms. We verify the library in the Aneris distributed separation logic using a novel proof pattern - -dubbed the session escrow pattern - -based on the existing escrow proof pattern and the so-called dependent separation protocols, which hitherto have only been used in a non-distributed concurrent setting. We demonstrate how our specification of the reliable communication library simplifies formal reasoning about applications, such as a remote procedure call library, which we in turn use to verify a lazily replicated key-value store with leader-followers and clients thereof. Our development is highly modular - -each component is verified relative to specifications of the components it uses (not the implementation). All our results are formalized in the Coq proof assistant.

Research Tue, 01 Aug 2023 20:16:07 +0200 5b0ef8ae-4be0-4077-ab93-240870492250
<![CDATA[VMSL]]> Liu, Z., Stepanenko, S., Pichon-Pharabod, J., Timany, A., Askarov, A., Birkedal, L. Thin hypervisors make it possible to isolate key security components like keychains, fingerprint readers, and digital wallets from the easily-compromised operating system. To work together, virtual machines running on top of the hypervisor can make hypercalls to the hypervisor to share pages between each other in a controlled way. However, the design of such hypercall ABIs remains a delicate balancing task between conflicting needs for expressivity, performance, and security. In particular, it raises the question of what makes the specification of a hypervisor, and of its hypercall ABIs, good enough for the virtual machines. In this paper, we validate the expressivity and security of the design of the hypercall ABIs of Arm's FF-A. We formalise a substantial fragment of FF-A as a machine with a simplified ISA in which hypercalls are steps of the machine. We then develop VMSL, a novel separation logic, which we prove sound with respect to the machine execution model, and use it to reason modularly about virtual machines which communicate through the hypercall ABIs, demonstrating the hypercall ABIs' expressivity. Moreover, we use the logic to prove robust safety of communicating virtual machines, that is, the guarantee that even if some of the virtual machines are compromised and execute unknown code, they cannot break the safety properties of other virtual machines running known code. This demonstrates the intended security guarantees of the hypercall ABIs. All the results in the paper have been formalised in Coq using the Iris framework.

Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:16:07 +0200 86004023-0ec2-49c0-9f8e-e521c80a4446
<![CDATA[Iris-Wasm]]> Rao, X., Georges, A. L., Legoupil, M., et al. WebAssembly makes it possible to run C/C++ applications on the web with near-native performance. A WebAssembly program is expressed as a collection of higher-order ML-like modules, which are composed together through a system of explicit imports and exports using a host language, enabling a form of higher-order modular programming. We present Iris-Wasm, a mechanized higher-order separation logic building on a specification of Wasm 1.0 mechanized in Coq and the Iris framework. Using Iris-Wasm, we are able to specify and verify individual modules separately, and then compose them modularly in a simple host language featuring the core operations of the WebAssembly JavaScript Interface. Building on Iris-Wasm, we develop a logical relation that enforces robust safety: unknown, adversarial code can only affect other modules through the functions that they explicitly export. Together, the program logic and the logical relation allow us to formally verify functional correctness of WebAssembly programs, even when they invoke and are invoked by unknown code, thereby demonstrating that WebAssembly enforces strong isolation between modules.

Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:16:07 +0200 3e8d1eeb-a0e8-4c2c-91ac-fa5349be0acc
<![CDATA[Optimal Layout Synthesis for Quantum Circuits as Classical Planning]]> Shaik, I., van de Pol, J. In Layout Synthesis, the logical qubits of a quantum circuit are mapped to the physical qubits of a given quantum hardware platform, taking into account the connectivity of physical qubits. This involves inserting SWAP gates before an operation is applied on distant qubits. Optimal Layout Synthesis is crucial for practical Quantum Computing on current error-prone hardware: Minimizing the number of SWAP gates directly mitigates the error rates when running quantum circuits. In recent years, several approaches have been proposed for minimizing the required SWAP insertions. The proposed exact approaches can only scale to a small number of qubits. In this paper, we provide two encodings for Optimal Layout Synthesis as a classical planning problem. We use optimal classical planners to synthesize the optimal layout for a standard set of benchmarks. Our results show the scalability of our approach compared to previous leading approaches. We can optimally map circuits with 9 qubits onto a 14 qubit platform, which could not be handled before by exact methods.

Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 7ab10c88-2c17-4a09-a86b-29058e542cb0
<![CDATA[Implicit State and Goals in QBF Encodings for Positional Games (extended version)]]> Shaik, I., Mayer-Eichberger, V., van de Pol, J., Saffidine, A. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 1348d5e9-4140-4ede-bfbc-8ca754a9c129 <![CDATA[Concise QBF Encodings for Games on a Grid (extended version)]]> Shaik, I., van de Pol, J. Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 4d104dd0-66bd-410b-99d6-561559f1785a <![CDATA[Syntax and semantics of modal type theory]]> Gratzer, D. under substitution. Modal type theory, by contrast, concerns the controlled inte-
gration of operations—modalities—into type theory which violate this discipline,
so-called non-fibered connectives. Modal type theory is therefore built around a
fundamental tension: the desire to include modalities and powerful principles for
reasoning with them on one hand, and the need to maintain the conveniences and
character of Martin-Löf type theory which stem from substitution invariance.

In this thesis we thoroughly explore and discuss this contradiction. We discuss
several different formulations of modal type theory, explore their various syntactic
properties, and relate them through their categorical semantics. In particular, we
show that most modal type theories that have arisen in the last two decades can be
understood through the abstraction of weak dependent right adjoints. We also put
forward a new general modal type theory, MTT, based around this abstraction.

The generality of MTT means that, without any additional work, it can be
specialized to an arbitrary collection of type theories related by modalities and
natural transformations between them. It is therefore easy to obtain a type theory
for a comonad, an adjunction, a local topos, or any other number of complex and
realistic scenarios. In addition to showing that many modal type theories are closely
related to specific instantiations of MTT, we thoroughly explore the syntax and
semantics of MTT itself. We prove that MTT enjoys an unconditional normalization
result and decidable type-checking under mild assumptions. We show how MTT
may be interpreted into a wide variety of structured categories and use this to study
the expressive power of the type theory and various extensions thereof.

Finally, we explore several concrete applications of MTT in the context of
guarded type theory and guarded denotational semantics. We propose a highly usable
language for guarded recursion and explore its particular models and metatheorems.
We show a relatively sharp result bounding the extent to which classical guarded
recursion can be added to any type theory with decidable type-checking and propose
a system to mitigate this issue. Finally, we conduct an in-depth case study using
guarded MTT to obtain a fully synthetic account of the Iris program logic, proving
adequacy in a fully internal manner.]]>
Research Sun, 01 Oct 2023 20:16:07 +0200 694f77d2-47d3-4986-bb82-129b8d96206e
<![CDATA[Under Lock and Key]]> Kavvos, G. A., Gratzer, D. We present a proof system for a multimode and multimodal logic, which is based on our previous work on modal Martin-Löf type theory. The specification of modes, modalities, and implications between them is given as a mode theory, i.e., a small 2-category. The logic is extended to a lambda calculus, establishing a Curry-Howard correspondence.

Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:16:07 +0200 b2d7355e-8174-464d-b495-a63588cbde48
<![CDATA[mitten]]> Stassen, P. J. A., Gratzer, D., Birkedal, L. Recently, there has been a growing interest in type theories which include modalities, unary type constructors which need not commute with substitution. Here we focus on MTT [15], a general modal type theory which can internalize arbitrary collections of (dependent) right adjoints [7]. These modalities are specified by mode theories [20], 2-categories whose objects corresponds to modes, morphisms to modalities, and 2-cells to natural transformations between modalities. We contribute a defunctionalized NbE algorithm which reduces the type-checking problem for MTT to deciding the word problem for the mode theory. The algorithm is restricted to the class of preordered mode theories – mode theories with at most one 2-cell between any pair of modalities. Crucially, the normalization algorithm does not depend on the particulars of the mode theory and can be applied without change to any preordered collection of modalities. Furthermore, we specify a bidirectional syntax for MTT together with a type-checking algorithm. We further contribute mitten, a flexible experimental proof assistant implementing these algorithms which supports all decidable preordered mode theories without alteration.

Research Tue, 01 Aug 2023 20:16:07 +0200 52562f19-2cf3-4c41-b554-2a4dc37daca7
<![CDATA[Programming with Purity Reflection]]> Madsen, M., Pol, J. v. d. We propose several new data structures that use purity reflection to switch between eager and lazy, sequential and parallel evaluation. We propose a DelayList, which is maximally lazy but switches to eager evaluation for impure operations. We also propose a DelayMap which is maximally lazy in its values, but also exploits eager and parallel evaluation.
We implement purity reflection as an extension of the Flix programming language. We present a new effect-aware form of monomorphization that eliminates purity reflection at compile-time. And finally, we evaluate the cost of this new monomorphization on compilation time and on code size, and determine that it is minimal. ]]>
Research Sat, 01 Jul 2023 20:16:07 +0200 b26a5ca0-09d3-491f-b975-4c4f97b87649
<![CDATA[A Truly Symbolic Linear-Time Algorithm for SCC Decomposition]]> Larsen, C. A., Schmidt, S. M., Steensgaard, J., Jakobsen, A. B., Pol, J. v. d., Pavlogiannis, A. Research Sat, 01 Apr 2023 20:16:07 +0200 9cf24d7f-c463-4618-956d-0bc2d2e0bd66 <![CDATA[Validation of QBF Encodings with Winning Strategies]]> Shaik, I., Heisinger, M., Seidl, M., Pol, J. v. d. The validation of QBF encodings is particularly challenging because of the variable dependencies introduced by the quantifiers. In contrast to SAT, the solution of a true QBF is not simply a variable assignment, but a winning strategy. For each existential variable x, a winning strategy provides a function that defines how to set x based on the values of the universal variables that precede x in the quantifier prefix. Winning strategies for false formulas are defined dually.
In this paper, we provide a tool for validating encodings using winning strategies and interactive game play with a QBF solver. As the representation of winning strategies can get huge, we also introduce validation based on partial winning strategies. Finally, we employ winning strategies for testing if two different encodings of one problem have the same solutions. ]]>
Research Tue, 01 Aug 2023 20:16:07 +0200 3d628c53-c1ac-4f5e-88d9-4c952324902b
<![CDATA[Adiar 1.1]]> Sølvsten, S., van de Pol, J. Research Thu, 01 Jun 2023 20:16:07 +0200 631adf77-20cc-4f48-ad1b-d5042b911af2 <![CDATA[Faster constant-time evaluation of the Kronecker symbol with application to elliptic curve hashing]]> Aranha, D. F., Hvass, B. S., Spitters, B., Tibouchi, M. We generalize the Bernstein-Yang (BY) algorithm [11] for constant-time modular inversion to compute the Kronecker symbol, of which the Jacobi and Legendre symbols are special cases. We first develop a basic and easy-to-implement algorithm, defined with full-precision division steps. We then describe an optimized version due to Hamburg [21] over word-sized inputs, and formally verify its correctness. Along the way, we introduce a number of optimizations for implementing both versions in constant time. The resulting algorithms are particularly suitable for computing the Legendre symbol with dense prime p, where no efficient addition chain is known for expo-nentiating to P −1/ 2, as it is often the case in pairing-friendly elliptic curves. Our high-speed implementation for a range of parameters shows that the new algorithm is up to 40 times faster than exponentiation, and up to 25.7% faster than the previous state of the art. We illustrate our techniques with hashing to elliptic curves using the SwiftEC algorithm [17], with savings of 14.7% - 48.1%, and to accelerating the CTIDH isogeny-based key exchange [7], with savings of 3.5-13.5%.

Research Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:16:07 +0100 cb180e3b-47d9-4c05-a6b7-80212653b270
<![CDATA[Formalising Decentralised Exchanges in Coq]]> Nielsen, E. H., Annenkov, D., Spitters, B. The number of attacks and accidents leading to significant losses of crypto-assets is growing. According to Chainalysis, in 2021, approx. $14 billion has been lost due to various incidents, and this number is dominated by Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications. To address these issues, one can use a collection of tools ranging from auditing to formal methods. We use formal verification and provide the first formalisation of a DeFi contract in a foundational proof assistant capturing contract interactions. We focus on Dexter2, a decentralized, non-custodial exchange for the Tezos network similar to Uniswap on Ethereum. The Dexter implementation consists of several smart contracts. This poses unique challenges for formalisation due to the complex contract interactions. Our formalisation includes proofs of functional correctness with respect to an informal specification for the contracts involved in Dexter's implementation. Moreover, our formalisation is the first to feature proofs of safety properties of the interacting smart contracts of a decentralized exchange. We have extracted our contract from Coq into CameLIGO code, so it can be deployed on the Tezos blockchain. Uniswap and Dexter are paradigmatic for a collection of similar contracts. Our methodology thus allows us to implement and verify DeFi applications featuring similar interaction patterns.

Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 043728e8-6d66-4003-97cc-dca3af802d6c
<![CDATA[OblivIO:]]> Blaabjerg, J. F., Askarov, A. To prevent traffic analysis, the shape of a system's traffic must be independent of secrets.

We investigate adapting the data-oblivious approach the reactive setting and present OblivIO, a secure language for writing reactive programs driven by network events. Our approach pads with dummy messages to hide which program sends are genuinely executed. We use an information-flow type system to provably enforce timing-sensitive noninterference. The type system is extended with potentials to bound the overhead in traffic introduced by our approach.
We address challenges that arise from joining data-oblivious and reactive programming and demonstrate the feasibility of our resulting language by developing an interpreter that implements security critical operations as constant-time algorithms.]]>
Research Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:16:07 +0100 1a04c161-b6e3-4b69-a800-1dc1048f0427
<![CDATA[Efficient Convex Zone Merging in Parametric Timed Automata]]> André, É., Marinho, D., Petrucci, L., van de Pol, J. Parametric timed automata are a powerful formalism for reasoning on concurrent real-time systems with unknown or uncertain timing constants. Reducing their state space is a significant way to reduce the inherently large analysis times. We present here different merging reduction techniques based on convex union of constraints (parametric zones), allowing to decrease the number of states while preserving the correctness of verification and synthesis results. We perform extensive experiments, and identify the best heuristics in practice, bringing a significant decrease in the computation time on a benchmarks library.

Research Sat, 01 Jan 2022 20:16:07 +0100 257f59ec-be17-45fa-9ed7-3a09dd52c784
<![CDATA[Exploring a Parallel SCC Algorithm]]> van de Pol, J. We explore a parallel SCC-decomposition algorithm based on a concurrent Union-Find data structure. In order to increase confidence in the algorithm, it is modelled in TLA +. The TLC model checker is used to demonstrate that it works correctly for all possible interleavings of two workers on a number of small input graphs. To increase the understanding of the algorithm, we investigate some potential invariants. Some of these are refuted, revealing that the algorithm allows suboptimal (but still correct) executions. Finally, we investigate some modifications of the algorithm. It turns out that most modifications lead to an incorrect algorithm, as revealed by the TLC model checker. We view this exploration as a first step to a full understanding and a rigorous correctness proof based on invariants or step-wise refinement.

Research Sat, 01 Oct 2022 20:16:07 +0200 e4bf65d7-4423-46d1-9f59-cc44c68f7930
<![CDATA[Safe and Secure Future AI-Driven Railway Technologies]]> Seisenberger, M., ter Beek, M. H., Fan, X., et al. In 2020, the EU launched its sustainable and smart mobility strategy, outlining how it plans to have a 90% reduction in transport emission by 2050. Central to achieving this goal will be the improvement of rail technology, with many new data-driven visionary systems being proposed. AI will be the enabling technology for many of those systems. However, safety and security guarantees will be key for wide-spread acceptance and uptake by Industry and Society. Therefore, suitable verification and validation techniques are needed. In this article, we argue how formal methods research can contribute to the development of modern Railway systems—which may or may not make use of AI techniques—and present several research problems and techniques worth to be further considered.

Research Sat, 01 Jan 2022 20:16:07 +0100 a442535d-a97e-4635-a366-d8f365f9cf3c
<![CDATA[Classical Planning as QBF without Grounding]]> Shaik, I., van de Pol, J. Most classical planners use grounding as a preprocessing step, essentially reducing planning to propositional logic. However, grounding involves instantiating all action rules with concrete object combinations, and results in large encodings for SAT/QBF-based planners. This severe cost in memory becomes a main bottleneck when actions have many parameters, such as in the Organic Synthesis problems from the IPC 2018 competition. We provide a compact QBF encoding that is logarithmic in the number of objects and avoids grounding completely, by using universal quantification for object combinations. We show that we can solve some of the Organic Synthesis problems, which could not be handled before by any SAT/QBF based planners due to grounding.

Research Wed, 01 Jun 2022 20:16:07 +0200 1a07ecae-0899-4b3f-9456-429d1fe6a8e0
<![CDATA[Unifying Cubical and Multimodal Type Theory]]> Aagaard, F. L., Kristensen, M., Gratzer, D., Birkedal, L. Research Sat, 01 Jan 2022 20:16:07 +0100 f9e981dc-db92-4489-ba7a-1b9cbceca728 <![CDATA[Modular verification of op-based CRDTs in separation logic]]> Nieto, A., Gondelman, L., Reynaud, A., Timany, A., Birkedal, L. Operation-based Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (op-based CRDTs) are a family of distributed data structures where all operations are designed to commute, so that replica states eventually converge. Additionally, op-based CRDTs require that operations be propagated between replicas in causal order. This paper presents a framework for verifying safety properties of CRDT implementations using separation logic. The framework consists of two libraries. One implements a Reliable Causal Broadcast (RCB) protocol so that replicas can exchange messages in causal order. A second "OpLib"library then uses RCB to simplify the creation and correctness proofs of op-based CRDTs. OpLib allows clients to implement new CRDTs as purely-functional data structures, without having to reason about network operations, concurrency control and mutable state, and without having to each time re-implement causal broadcast. Using OpLib, we have implemented 12 example CRDTs from the literature, including multiple versions of replicated registers and sets, two CRDT combinators for products and maps, and two example use cases of the map combinator. Our proofs are conducted in the Aneris distributed separation logic and are formalized in Coq. Our technique is the first work on verification of op-based CRDTs that satisfies both of the following properties: it is modular and targets executable implementations, as opposed to high-level protocols.

Research Sat, 01 Oct 2022 20:16:07 +0200 48868f38-d421-45cb-8f16-64b1023c5a3e
<![CDATA[Proving full-system security properties under multiple attacker models on capability machines]]> Strydonck, T. V., Georges, A. L., Guéneau, A., et al. Assembly-level protection mechanisms (virtual mem-ory, trusted execution environments, virtualization) make it possible to guarantee security properties of a full system in the presence of arbitrary attacker provided code. However, they typically only support a single trust boundary: code is either trusted or untrusted, and protection cannot be nested. Capability machines provide protection mechanisms that are more fine-grained and that do support arbitrary nesting of protection. We show in this paper how this enables the formal verification of full-system security properties under multiple attacker models: differ-ent security objectives of the full system can be verified under a different choice of trust boundary (i.e. under a different attacker model). The verification approach we propose is modular, and is robust: code outside the trust boundary for a given security objective can be arbitrary, unverified attacker-provided code. It is based on the use of universal contracts for untrusted adversarial code: sound, conservative contracts which can be combined with manual verification of trusted components in a compositional program logic. Compositionality of the program logic also allows us to reuse common parts in the analyses for different attacker models. We instantiate the approach concretely by extending an existing capability machine model with support for memory-mapped 1/0 and we obtain full system, machine-verified security properties about external effect traces while limiting the manual verification effort to a small trusted computing base relevant for the specific property under study.

Research Sat, 01 Oct 2022 20:16:07 +0200 da4c3112-bdf7-4de0-b1f7-5a9fbbee8fd1
<![CDATA[Verification and synthesis of co-simulation algorithms subject to algebraic loops and adaptive steps]]> Hansen, S. T., Thule, C., Gomes, C., et al. Simulation-based analyses are becoming increasingly vital for the development of cyber-physical systems. Co-simulation is one such technique, enabling the coupling of specialized simulation tools through an orchestration algorithm. The orchestrator describes how to coordinate the simulation of multiple simulation tools. The simulation result depends on the orchestration algorithm that must stabilize algebraic loops, choose the simulation resolution, and adhere to each simulation tool’s implementation. This paper describes how to verify that an orchestration algorithm respects all contracts related to the simulation tool’s implementation and how to synthesize such tailored orchestration algorithms. The approaches work for complex and adaptive co-simulation scenarios and have been applied to several real-world case studies.

Research Thu, 01 Dec 2022 20:16:07 +0100 b28d9539-fb15-42bd-8156-e48816d1aac3
<![CDATA[Normalization for Multimodal Type Theory]]> Daniel, G. We prove normalization for MTT, a general multimodal dependent type theory capable of expressing modal type theories for guarded recursion, internalized parametricity, and various other prototypical modal situations. We prove that deciding type checking and conversion in MTT can be reduced to deciding the equality of modalities in the underlying modal situation, immediately yielding a type checking algorithm for all instantiations of MTT in the literature. This proof follows from a generalization of synthetic Tait computability-an abstract approach to gluing proofs-to account for modalities. This extension is based on MTT itself, so that this proof also constitutes a signifcant case study of MTT.

Research Mon, 01 Aug 2022 20:16:07 +0200 f5de6894-48b7-4c26-a6e4-43e0deed042b
<![CDATA[Modalities and Parametric Adjoints]]> Gratzer, D., Cavallo, E., Kavvos, G. A., Guatto, A., Birkedal, L. Birkedal et al. recently introduced dependent right adjoints as an important class of (non-fibered) modalities in type theory. We observe that several aspects of their calculus are left underdeveloped and that it cannot serve as an internal language. We resolve these problems by assuming that the modal context operator is a parametric right adjoint. We show that this hitherto unrecognized structure is common. Based on these discoveries we present a new well-behaved Fitch-style multimodal type theory, which can be used as an internal language. Finally, we apply this syntax to guarded recursion and parametricity.

Research Fri, 01 Jul 2022 20:16:07 +0200 5adff15e-ccdf-4865-a34b-5ff3a6498e58
<![CDATA[Later credits]]> Spies, S., Gäher, L., Tassarotti, J., et al. In the past two decades, step-indexed logical relations and separation logics have both come to play a major role in semantics and verification research. More recently, they have been married together in the form of step-indexed separation logics like VST, iCAP, and Iris, which provide powerful tools for (among other things) building semantic models of richly typed languages like Rust. In these logics, propositions are given semantics using a step-indexed model, and step-indexed reasoning is reflected into the logic through the so-called "later"modality. On the one hand, this modality provides an elegant, high-level account of step-indexed reasoning; on the other hand, when used in sufficiently sophisticated ways, it can become a nuisance, turning perfectly natural proof strategies into dead ends. In this work, we introduce later credits, a new technique for escaping later-modality quagmires. By leveraging the second ancestor of these logics - separation logic - later credits turn "the right to eliminate a later"into an ownable resource, which is subject to all the traditional modular reasoning principles of separation logic. We develop the theory of later credits in the context of Iris, and present several challenging examples of proofs and proof patterns which were previously not possible in Iris but are now possible due to later credits.

Research Mon, 29 Aug 2022 20:16:07 +0200 cbdd92bf-ccb2-4b29-a8b7-e6633f2dfc90
<![CDATA[Finding Smart Contract Vulnerabilities with ConCert's Property-Based Testing Framework]]> Milo, M., Nielsen, E. H., Annenkov, D., Spitters, B. We provide three detailed case studies of vulnerabilities in smart contracts, and show how property based testing would have found them: 1. the Dexter1 token exchange; 2. the iToken; 3. the ICO of Brave's BAT token. The last example is, in fact, new, and was missed in the auditing process. We have implemented this testing in ConCert, a general executable model/specification of smart contract execution in the Coq proof assistant. ConCert contracts can be used to generate verified smart contracts in Tezos' LIGO and Concordium's rust language. We thus show the effectiveness of combining formal verification and property-based testing of smart contracts.

Research Sat, 01 Oct 2022 20:16:07 +0200 2d0c829f-9fa7-41d4-b68d-964f1d325874
<![CDATA[Extracting functional programs from Coq, in Coq]]> Annenkov, D., Milo, M., Nielsen, J. B., Spitters, B. A.S. We implement extraction of Coq programs to functional languages based on MetaCoq's certified erasure. We extend the MetaCoq erasure output language with typing information and use it as an intermediate representation, which we call. We complement the extraction functionality with a full pipeline that includes several standard transformations (e.g. eta-expansion and inlining) implemented in a proof-generating manner along with a verified optimisation pass removing unused arguments. We prove the pass correct wrt. a conventional call-by-value operational semantics of functional languages. From the optimised representation, we obtain code in two functional smart contract languages, Liquidity and CameLIGO, the functional language Elm, and a subset of the multi-paradigm language for systems programming Rust. Rust is currently gaining popularity as a language for smart contracts, and we demonstrate how our extraction can be used to extract smart contract code for the Concordium network. The development is done in the context of the ConCert framework that enables smart contract verification. We contribute with two verified real-world smart contracts (boardroom voting and escrow), which we use, among other examples, to exemplify the applicability of the pipeline. In addition, we develop a verified web application and extract it to fully functional Elm code. In total, this gives us a way to write dependently typed programs in Coq, verify, and then extract them to several target languages while retaining a small trusted computing base of only MetaCoq and the pretty-printers into these languages.

Research Mon, 01 Aug 2022 20:16:07 +0200 44b6289b-5b80-4282-9c0e-df5571674e48