Aarhus University Seal


EliteForsk Award to Professor Lars Birkedal

- Public/media

On the basis of his ground-breaking research, which is of inestimable importance for the understanding of modern complex programming languages,…

Kasper Svendsen and Thomas Dinsdale-Young receive PostDoctoral grants.

- Featured

The Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) has just awarded a postdoctoral grant under the Natural Sciences program to Kasper Svendsen and…

New streetnumber for the Nygaard entrance from Helsingforsgade

- Staff

The street number for the entrance to the Nygaard building from Helsingforsgade is from now on number 12 - instead of number 14 (earlier) which is the…


- Public/media

While processors becomes an ever greater force, the human world is almost reinvented in line with what is technologically possible. Today, we…

The Hyperkinetic Kayak exhibited in New York

- Featured

The Hyperkinetic Kayak is the result of a collaboration between the artist Jette Gejl, Peter Møller-Nielsen from Department of Computer Science and…

A world premiere in Interactive Football

- Featured

The Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction group at the Department of Computer Science and the Alexandra Institute have developed THE | BOUNCER - the…

Is it possible to make good telemedicine and telehealth without the users' experience?

- Featured

The health care system will be challenged in many areas: There are several people with a chronic illness, the new hospital buildings mean fewer beds…

Thomas Dueholm Hansen receives postdoc grant from the Carlsberg Foundation.

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Thomas Dueholm Hansen has received a 1,250,000 DKK postdoc grant from the Carlsberg Foundation.