Aarhus Universitets segl



Research and Student Collaboration

Department of Computer Science has a professional profile with world leading researchers within many research areas. 

Industrial Collaboration ranges from full fledged applied research project partnerships, over industrial PhD's and industrial postdocs, to networking between scientists and companies. On these web pages you will find information on how to connect to researchers and students at the Department of Computer Science.

Private companies and public institutions may also be involved in educational activities through participation in ourindustrial advisory board for degree programs in computer science and IT product development.

For more information about your opportunities to collaborate with Department of Computer Science, please contact the Chair of the Department Industrial Board, Professor Ira Assent.

For more information about industrial collaboration at AU in general please refer to: https://medarbejdere.au.dk/administration/administration/erhvervsstaben/

Industrial collaboration, selected cases (in danish):

Research Collaboration

Student Collaboration

Members of CS's Business Committee

Local Business Committee at Department of Computer Science (Det lokale erhvervsudvalg)