This is an unofficial page for the "Cryptography and Security" research group mantained by Claudio Orlandi.
The aim of this page is to list everyone that is (or has been)
affiliated with the Crypto group of the Department of Computer Science
of Aarhus University.
This is a manually generated page. If you find any omission, mistake
or if you have old pictures of the group please write to orlandi at
Name |
Year |
Thesis Title |
Ivan Bjerre Damgård |
1988 |
Claw-free Functions, Unconditional Protection in Cryptographic Protocols |
Torben P. Pedersen |
1992 |
Distributed Provers and Verifiable Secret Sharing Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem |
Lars Knudsen |
1994 |
Block Ciphers - Analysis, Design and Applications |
Lidong (Lily) Chen |
1994 |
Witness Hiding Proofs and Applications |
Stefan Dziembowski |
2001 |
Multiparty Computations Information-Theoretically Secure Against an Adaptive Adversary |
Jesper Buus Nielsen |
2003 |
On Protocol Security in the Cryptographic Model |
Maciej Koprowski |
2003 |
Cryptographic Protocols Based on Root Extracting |
Mads Jurik |
2003 |
Extensions to the Paillier Cryptosystem with Applications to Cryptological Protocols |
Serge Fehr |
2003 |
Secure Multi-Player Protocols: Fundamentals, Generality, and Efficiency |
Jens Groth |
2004 |
Honest Verifier Zero-Knowledge Arguments Applied |
Jesus F Almansa |
2005 |
A Study for Cryptologic Protocols |
Kasper Dupont |
2005 |
Disk Encryption, Group Identification, Byzantine Agreement, and Threshold RSA |
Kirill Morozov |
2005 |
On Cryptographic Primitives Based on Noisy Channels |
Thomas Brochmann Pedersen |
2006 |
Quantum Encryption Minimising Key Leakage under Known Plaintext Attacks |
Christian Schaffner |
2007 |
Cryptography in the Bounded-Quantum-Storage Model |
Tomas Toft |
2007 |
Primitives and Applications for Multi-Party Computation |
Michael Østergaard Pedersen |
2008 |
Authentication and Privacy with Application to Pervasive Computing |
Miroslava Sotakova |
2009 |
On the Power of Two-Party Quantum Cryptography |
Rune Thorbek |
2009 |
Linear Integer Secret Sharing |
Carolin Lunemann |
2010 |
Cryptographic Protocols under Quantum Attacks |
Martin Geisler |
2010 |
Cryptographic Protocols: Theory and Implementation |
Mikkel Krøigaard |
2010 |
On the Computational Overhead of Secure Multiparty |
Claudio Orlandi |
2011 |
Secure Computation in Untrusted Environments |
Gert Læssøe Mikkelsen |
2011 |
On the Protection of Digital Identities Through Threshold Cryptography |
Jakob Funder |
2011 |
Cryptography with Quantum Mechanics |
Jonas Kölker |
2012 |
I/O-efficient multiparty computation, formulaic secret sharing and NP-complete puzzles |
Marcel Keller |
2012 |
Theory and Practice of Cryptographic Protocols |
Peter Sebastian Nordholdt |
2013 |
New Approaches to Practical Secure Two-Party Computation |
Sigurd Meldgaard |
2013 |
Unconditionally Secure Protocols |
Morten Dahl |
2013 |
Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols |
Valerio Pastro |
2013 |
Zero-Knowledge Protocols and Multi Party Computation |
Rikke Bendlin |
2013 |
Lattice-Based Cryptography: Threshold Protocols and Multiparty Computation |
Angela Zottarel |
2014 |
Public-key Cryptography from Weaker Assumption |
Sarah Zakarias |
2014 |
Secure Computation in the Preprocessing Model |
Pavel Hubacek |
2014 |
Rationality in the Cryptographic Model |
Thomas P. Jakobsen |
2015 |
Practical Aspects of Secure Multiparty Computation |
Pratyay Mukherjee |
2015 |
Protecting Cryptographic Memory against Tampering Attack |
Tore K Frederiksen |
2015 |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Garbled Circuits |
Rasmus W. Zakarias |
2016 |
Practical Secure Computation with Pre-Processing |
Carsten Baum |
2016 |
Towards More Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation in the Preprocessing Model |
Irene Giacomelli |
2017 |
New applications of secret-sharing in Cryptography |
Antigoni Polychroniadou |
2017 |
On the Communication and Round Complexity of Secure Computation |
Bernardo David |
2017 |
A Framework For Efficient Homomorphic Universally Composable Commitments
Roberto Trifiletti |
2017 |
Amortizing Maliciously Secure Two-party Computation |
Satrajit Ghosh |
2019 |
Secure Computation Based On Oblivious Linear Function Evaluation |
Sabine Oechsner |
2019 |
Constructions and Proof Techniques for Secure Computation |
Michael Nielsen |
2019 |
Secure computation from correlated randomness |
Helene Haagh |
2019 |
Fine-Grained Access and Secure Computation on Encrypted Data |
Mark Simkin |
2019 |
Alice, Bits, and Bob |
Anders P. K. Dalskov |
2020 |
Cats or Croissants? Techniques for Secure Inference |
Daniel Escudero |
2021 |
Multiparty Computation over Z/2^kZ |
Akira Takahashi |
2022 |
Cryptography from Zero Knowledge: Advanced Security and New Constructions |
Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh |
2022 |
Cryptography for Scalability and Identity Management in Blockchain Systems |
Rahul Rachuri |
2023 |
Practical Multiparty Computation: Approaches to Private Machine Learning |
Søren Eller Thomsen |
2023 |
Message Dissemination in the Nakamoto Era |
Benjamin Salling Hvass |
2023 |
Foundational Verification of Cryptographic Primitives |
Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach |
2023 |
Smart Contracts and Rationality |
Alexander Munch-Hansen |
2023 |
Quattro Formaggi: Zero-Knowledge from VOLE |
Mathias Hall-Andersen |
2024 |
Either/Or |
Mahak Pancholi |
2024 |
Beyond Knowledge Soundness of SNARKs |
Damiano Abram |
2024 |
Distributed (Correlation) Samplers |
Lennart Braun |
2024 |
Cryptography After Prime Time -- Protocols for Z2k and Groups of Unknown Order |
Simon Holmgaard Kamp |
2025 |
Towards Scalable and Robust Distributed Computing |
Nikolas Melissaris |
2025 |
Better, Faster, Stronger – Improving Security, Efficiency, and Primitives for MPC |
This is a map of current locations of the previous members of the group who
are holding a long-term research position.
This list only includes long term visitors, defined arbitrarily by me
as the people who spent one month or more with the group. Also, note
that this is a very partial list: I have very little info about who
visited the group before 2007. If you visited the group but are not in the list just send me an email.