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Instructions for Taking the Bus

Use bus line 2 or 11. The stop for the meeting is "Kommunehospitalet" (county hospital). Ask the driver or a passenger, or just keep track of your route on the map. When approaching the bus stop, push one of the red buttons labelled "Stop" inside the bus to alert the driver (unless some other passenger already did, check the red light above the drivers head).

You enter busses at the rear (or middle for some models) and get out in the front. Tickets can be bought at a vending machine inside the bus (DKK 17, coins only, push ticket button V first, then insert coins). Much more convenient (and also cheaper per ride) is a multi-use card ("klippekort"), which is time-stamped when boarding (insert card into a small time-stamp gadget next to the ticket vending machine). These are DKK 100 for 10 rides (several persons can use the same card, just stamp several times), and can be bought at a number of newspaper stalls and kiosks, including the one just across the street from the hotel. If asked, you need a standard "2-zone" card.

Maintained by Rolf Fagerberg (rolf@cs.au.dk)
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