Consider the paper "A Calculus of Mobile Resources" handed out at the lecture. Exercise I (Warm up:) Consider the transition rules in table 4 and describe the possible transtions of the processes: P = (b)(a>co{b}.0 || b[*]) Q = a[b.0] || a\co{b}.c.0 where \co{b} denotes a b with a bar over. (in both cases the transition systems are infinite, so you may want to use symbolic processes/contexts ranging over all processes or specific contexts) Exercise II (Bisimulation) Verify the claim in section 6, i.e. that the set S is a bisimulation, by checking that the condition in definition 3 is satisfied. Exercise III (Speculative, Relationship to Ambients) Sketch an encoding into the Mobile Resources Calculus of the following fragment of Mobile Ambients calculus: M:= out n | in m A:= A || A (parallel composition) | n[A] (ambient) | M.A (prefix) | 0 (inactive) Please step by my office if you have any questions,