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The XML Class

Template are implemented by the XML class.

An XML object corresponds to an XML fragment possibly containing named gaps.

The XML class offers the following features:

The JWIG system allows elaborate syntactic sugar for these constructions.

A template constant is written as:
[[ <table border="0" cellspacing="0">
     <tr><td align="left">
       <a href=[js]>
         <img border="0" src=""/>
     <tr><td align="left">
  <[rest]> ]]
where js, name, and rest are gaps.

Templates are plugged by writing, for instance:
options = options<[rest=templateOption<[inx=versionInx(contents[i]),
                                        date=versionDate(contents[i])] ];

This is different from JDOM documents in the following ways:

- and different from Servlets in the following ways: