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Controllers in JAOO

Controllers are simply programmed as sessions. For example, the business cards interactions are implemented as:

public class Search extends Session {
  public void main() {

    read registrations.xml;
    show loginPage;
    String id = receive id;
    if (id is not in registrations.xml) exit loginErrorPage;

    read cards.xml;
    Element p;
    if (id is in cards.xml) p = information from cards.xml;
    else p = information from registrations.xml;

    String filter = "";
    while (true) {
      show searchPage<[filter=filter,cards = generate cards using filter];
      if ((receive action).equals("filter")) filter = filter;
      if ((receive action).equals("update")) {
         if ((receive pin) matches p) {
            show updatePage<[fields = values from p];
            update p with received values;        
            update cards.xml with p;